Hands-Free Crutch: The Pain-Free Alternative for Below the Knee Non-Weight Bearing Injuries - Review Qualifications Before Purchase (for the specified audience)
BETTER THAN CRUTCHES OR KNEE SCOOTERS – Safe, stable, hands-free mobility. You can do your normal daily activities, hands free. Why be limited by crutches and knee scooters when you can get your life back with iWALK crutch?
CAN YOU USE THE IWALK3.0 CRUTCH? Before you buy, scroll down and review the Qualifications for Use information and videos.
LEARNING CURVE – Learning to use the iWALK does take time and effort, and it's worth it. You need to invest 1-3 days to fully adapt. Once adapted, you can do all your normal day to day activities.
REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS – Walking on the iWALK crutch requires more effort than normal walking. Allow 1-3 days to fully adapt to the iWALK crutch.
For BELOW THE KNEE injuries only. Will it Fit? Age Limits? Plus Size? Scroll down and review all the Qualifications for Use information before you buy.
FREE PERSONALIZED TECHINCAL SUPPORT – iWALKFree provides free, personalized technical support to help you get walking in safety and comfort. We’re here for you.
WHAT TO EXPECT – With iWALK crutch you will walk a little slower than normal, with a little more effort, but compared to crutches it’s a huge improvement. Allow 1-3 days to become fully proficient.